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Beauty Arkiv | Maria Jernov
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YEEEEEESSSSSS to sheet masks. Always. Forever. Yes please. I am obsessed with sheet masks, I use them multiple times a week and I have really seen a difference in my skin since I started this beauty ritual. As some of you might remember, one of my new years resolutions for 2019 (number 4 to be exact) was to invest more in myself. Being better at letting myself spend money on beauty, on treatments, on well, stuff I want. So in teaching to pamper myself I discovered how much I LOVE to do a quick sheet mask. It’s fast, it’s doable and you really feel a difference in your skin. SO because that is now a part of my life, I thought I would share my favorite ones (so far) with you.

I typically use a sheet mask in the morning while I am cooking breakfast or making the bed. My favorite brands right now are;

Patchology – I am starting with this one because quite frankly it’s the best. Patchology can be bought both as singles but also in boxes (which I recommend, believe me you will use all). My two favorite masks are their MILK PEEL (shop here), it’s packed with lactic acid and fruit enzymes plus coconut and soy milk. Second their HYDRATE (shop here), which contains hyaluronic acid and vitamin B5. Shop shop shop, you won’t regret it.

Animal face pack – yes this is actually it’s name. A bit weird, but that’s no reason to miss out on the glory this facemask has to offer. I found these really funny face masks in Little Tokyo in Downtown LA and bought them as kind of a joke. They looked really fun and your face transforms into a panda or a tiger. You can also buy them looking like the traditional Kabuki faces. I started to read about them just because I didn’t want to put anything bad on my skin, to my surprise the mask was actually packed with BG hyaluronan, hydrolysis collagen, water-soluble collagen and vitamin C so I decided to give them a try and now I LOVE them. I frequently visit that fun little beauty shop where they don’t really speak english, to buy more masks, but you can find them here.

Azure – a brand that was new to me but I had to buy it because it said “unicorn glitter face mask” I was like – what? Then I read on the box and it said “Paraben free and hypoallergenic” so I thought – how bad can it be? I tried it on and first I wanna say, it was fun! I loved the way it looked and felt but also love it’s ingredient list; Betaine, collagen, aloe and vitamin A, B, C and E. YES god damn it. It leaves the skin smooth and glowy! Find it here.

7 days by Ariul – a korean beauty brand. Apparently in Korea there is sold one 7 days mask every 8 seconds. That’s CRAZY! But to be honest, I understand why. You can buy a box of 10 and the selection seems endless. Tea tree, lemon, aloe, avocado – anything you want! My favorite one right now is the green tea mask. It’s lovely and smells so good. Full of antioxidants like green tea extract with natural caffeine and vitamins. What’s not to love. Find it here.

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Body Hero / Glossier (shop here), Skin solution / Glossier (shop here), Rose balm / Glossier (shop here), Tinted balm / Paw Paw (shop here), Drying lotion / Mario Badescu (shop here), Essence / Sensai (shop here), Eye primer / Marc Jacobs (shop here), Nose strips / Miniso (from China)

Book / Louis Vuitton (shop selection here)

Yes yes yes it has happened. I have jumped on the glossier wagon and my god – it is as good as people say. I am unfortunately one of those people who become almost “sainty” against anything that is hyped. I don’t know why but there is just something in me who refuses to jump on any form of hype train. I didn’t like Justin Bieber when I was younger (only cause my friends loved him), I absolutely refused to watch Gossip Girl while it was popular (I have since watched it and my god it is AMAZING), and it took me a good year before I tried Glossier. There is a reason why things are popular, and I am really working on being more willing to go with the trends. I might just be a grumpy old man inside who think that “the stuff the young people like” is nonsens. But it’s really not.

My favorite Glossier product definitely is their “solution”. It minimizes pores and add’s an unbelievable amount of glow. It’s an absolutely fantastic product and I think everybody should be using it, and I really mean that. Other products that has made my favorites this month is the Paw Paw tinted balm in peach, I use it on my cheeks and on my lips for a fantastic shade of YUM! Drying lotion from Mario Badescu has been on my blog many times before but it keeps being an absolute necessity in my life so here it goes again.

Essence from Sensai is a LIFE savior – it’s a total anti-ageing essence with a soft formulation that quickly (and holistically) restores firmness. I am in love! Nose strips were bought in China (but aren’t they kinda the same everywhere?) and the Marc Jacobs beauty primer needs really very little introduction, it’s just the best eyeshadow primer ever.

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You will need:
Curl hold / GHD (shop here), Dry shampoo / Björn Axén (shop here), Curling iron / GHD (shop here)

I am wearing:
T-shirt / Gustav, Jewelry / Maria Black

Hello babes! It’s not long ago I had this hair do on my instagram story and I got a lot of messages about if I could show how I do it. Honestly it’s my go to look when it’s my 3rd or 4th day of not washing my hair. I’m a big dry shampoo girl! It’s not very difficult to do just takes a few times to get it right, it does for me too! So here is my from bedhead to bunhead look. Enjoy!

After a night of rumbling around on your pillow your hair will need a bit of a pick me up. I love to use a really good dry shampoo and preferably with a little bit of scent added to it. This one from Björn Axén is one of my faves. It’s light and doesn’t leave the hair powdery or white. It smells like grape fruit and the product looks cute (yes it matters)! I spray up and under my bangs, around the crown of my head and right in the front. You can shop the product here and follow the steps below!

Next step is adding some curl product. Because we’re gonna be using a curling iron to hide our bedhead(ness) – a curling product is in order. I use the curl hold from GHD simply because it’s compatible with the curling wand we will be using later in this tutorial. I also love it because it works great in dry hair. Spray it along your lengths and drag it out with your finger tips. Shop the GHD curl hold spray here.

Get ready to curl! But don’t worry – only lightly. Remember this is our lazy day so only do it as you see fit. I like to use my wand to curl my hair backwards and away from my face. That makes it a lot easier to form the bun we will be making later. I am using the curl creative wand from GHD (it’s the effin best!) – shop it here.

The creation of the half bun. One of my favorite techniques to making a succesful messy bun is to divide the hair it into two. Using a small see through plastic band and twist the ponytail around the band. Fasten it with a bobby pin and voila!

Time to assemble your messy bun! Divide the bottom part of your hair (dont worry about it being perfect, as you can see – mine is not even close to!). When you feel ready, take one part and cross it over to the opposite site and fasten it around the bun already on top of your head. Do this with the other side as well and your bun is done! Finish of with curling your hair in the front (only if you find this necessary) and voila! Enjoy babes!




It’s that season again my friends. Time to dig out those lip balms from your purses. It’s been such a wonderful summer in Copenhagen and I am sure we will have a beautiful (and hopefully wet) fall. Fall also means dry lips to most of us so I have taken on the mission of finding the absolute best lip balms out there and I have to tell you, the race is tight. We are so lucky, in this day and age, that there are ALOT of great products on the market. But then, which one is for you? Which consistency do you like and are you more of a longlaster or do you like to apply more often? I have chosen 5 great candidates in different price ranges and tested them out for you. Read below to find out more! Enjoy!

Balance me / Stellar balm
(shop here)

Let’s start off with a bit of a multi product. Balance me has this amazing “Stellar Balm” in their product line that can be used as a lip balm, a cuticle balm, to heal a mosquito bite or to even take care of a cold sore. The balm is very stiff and almost dry to start of with but becomes completely buttery when you start warming it up. I love using it as a lip balm when my lips have been exposed to cold weather or after a night on the town where your lips (and body) is heavily dehydrated. It’s also complete genius as your “winter balm” if you live in places where the weather gets below zero. The last plus I want to give this balm is that it’s more than affordable and you get a great product for the price!

Sensai / Lip treatment
(shop here)

On quite a different (financial) note, here is one of the heavy players. Sensai’s lip treatment is an absolutely amazing product. It can be used both as a everyday lip balm but also as an intense night treatment that goes on your lips but also around them. It’s quite an expensive product but it’s also a large lip product that will last you a long time. The consistency is silicone like, smooth and shiny and looks great during the day. The lip treatment is one of my all time favorites and is really a game changer within lip care. If you are a beauty nerd this product is definitely for you.

Petrolium jelly / Vaseline

Ahhh an oldie but goodie, or should I say goldie. In my world, nothing beats the good old fashioned petrolium jelly or vaseline as it’s also called. It’s sold practically everywhere, it’s cheap and often comes in all shapes and sizes. I believe it to be all healing. I apply it to my lips, to my hands, to my feet – even to my entire face if it’s having a REALLY dry day. It’s available at your local supermarket or your local pharmacy. You can never have too much vaseline in your bathroom cabinet. So basically this is just a survival tip and not so much a beauty tip. You can never have too much, I’m telling you!

Xellence / Lip conditioner
(shop here)

The lovely brand Xellence has made a really good lip balm also that is made from Shea butter, almond oil and bees wax (among other things). It has no perfume and has a wonderful long lasting wear. It’s creamy but firm and I love the packaging it comes in. I have used this balm mostly at the gym because it doesn’t run anywhere and it doesn’t feel heavy – plus it lasts the entire time I’m there so I don’t have to reapply. It’s a good middle price and very good for the money.

L:A Bruket / Lip balm
(shop here)

Swedish L:A Bruket has made a wonderful stick lip balm in beautiful crisp packaging (as they always do their products). It’s packed with good ingredients such as almond and coconut oil. It’s easy to fit in any purse and has a good price point. This product is for you who likes a light layer of balm on your lips and who also likes to apply multiple times through out your day. It’s quite affordable and a has a lot of product in just one stick.

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Micellar water / La Mer (shop here), Liquid highligher / Giorgio Armani (shop here), Eyemask / Birgitte Herskind, Anti-pollution tonic / Dr. Scheller (shop here), SPF 30 face lotion / Moroccanoil sun (shop here), Glow kit (moon child) / Anastasia Beverly hills (shop brand here), Perfume (si passione) / Giorgio Armani (shop here) , Face oil / Kora Organics (shop here), Lavender mist / Kora Organics (shop here), Setting powder / Marc Jacobs (shop here), Heal balm / Skagen Seaside (shop here), Pot Rouge / Bobbi Brown (shop here), Shimmer scrub / Frank Body (shop here), Hand creme / LA Bruket (shop here), Hair oil / Hair Lust (shop here), Face mask / The Oozoo (shop here), Shampoo and conditioner / Björn Axén (shop here and here)

Beauty bag / Delsey (shop here)

To pack the perfect beauty bag can be difficult. There is NEVER enough room, the beauty bags are never tall enough for full size products and to be honest, it’s hard to find a pretty one. It’s often that they smothered in all kinds of weird print, or very strong colors and they never match the luggage which for someone with OCD (like me) can be almost devastating. In collaboration with my favorite luggage brand, Delsey, I will today share with you how I pack my beauty bag and also what I put in it. The first photo shows all that I can fit in my beauty bag, it’s everything from sheet masks to full size hair and face products. I am not big on compromising when it comes to the products I bring traveling. I don’t wanna miss anything and I don’t like buying all kinds of little plastic travel sizes. There is enough plastic in the world as it is. When I travel I need everything from my favorite shampoo to my La Mer micellar water and luckily this beauty bag from Delsey allows me to bring it all. It also embraces perfumes, face mists, hair oils and eye masks. Secured with a strong zipper and wipeable material it’s a perfect travel buddy. Shop both products and bag via links above! Enjoy friends!


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Yves Saint Laurent Beauty
Vinyl Lip Stain
401, 403, 406, 409, 411

When you get a new product that is swatchable, do you swatch too? I love to do swatches of different products. Besides it being great fun, it’s also very helpful when finding colors that suit your skintone. My newest lip obsession are these vinyl lip stains from YSL beauty. Their color range is spectacular and YSL does (once again) not disappoint with the brightness and variety. Shock pink, classic red or playful orange – the color palette is yours to have fun with. I am completely smitten with lip stains, it’s one of my favorite items to bring with me everywhere. Once you’ve found “your color” it’s such an irreplaceable product. Use it as a bold lip or a soft lip, use it as your blush, use it on your eyelids – suddenly a new world opens when multi products are born. The Vinyl lip stain is not your usual lip stain though, although it works as a great multi product it’s best feature is actually it’s ability to create a full vinyl lip look – and it does it well. Without smudging, running or being hard to apply this product delivers a second to non vinyl look with shine beyond comparison. Above I have showcased my favorites of the many many colors YSL offers. Enjoy babes!


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Sunscreen SPF40 / Jurlique (shop here), Tanning oil / Bali body (shop here), After sun lotion / Coola (shop here), Hydrating serum / La Mer (shop here), Hairclip / Pico (shop here)

Location: Bali, Indonesia
Photos taken with Canon 5D mark II

Jeg elsker en god pool, men jeg elsker også en god tan og nogengange når man forsøger at få en god tan så skal man bruge lidt hjælp fra nogle gode produkter. Lad os starte med lidt beskyttelse. Jurlique har lavet en lækker solcreme med SPF40 som både er til krop og ansigt. Den dufter skønt og er nem at påføre, lad den tørre og påfør så din nye bedste ven. Din nye bedste ven i denne situation er Bali body’s ananas tanning olie. Jeg påføre den oven på den tørre solcreme og så ligger jeg mig til at sole. Olien er meget effektiv og er derfor ikke noget man skal bruge alene. Prøv eventuelt med lidt (f.eks. på armen først) og se om du kan tåle dens effekt. Efter tanning, svømning og lidt mere tanning, tager jeg et bad og ender min tanning session med aftersun lotion fra Coola. Efter en tanning session trænger mit ansigt til det bedste af det bedste. Solen er hård mod huden, den tørre den ud og gør skade så det bedste man kan gøre for den er at give den et stort glas vand. Og det er lige præcis hvad man gør ved at give den et lag af La Mer’s hydrating serum. Et stort glas La Mer, ja tak! God fornøjelse i solen venner!

english: I love a good pool, but I also adore a good tan and sometimes when in need of a good tan you need some good products to help you get there. Lets start with the SPF. Jurlique has made a great SPF40 for the face and body, it smells great and it’s easy to apply. Let it dry and absorb into your skin and then you add magic. The magic in this equation is the Bali body pineapple tanning oil. I apply it on top of the SPF and then I lay to tan. I wouldn’t recommend using the oil without SPF first, it’s very effective and I wouldn’t want you to burn. I recommend that you try it out on a small area on your body first to see if this product suits your skin. After tanning, pooling, tanning again – I take a shower and I end my tanning session with the aftersun lotion by Coola. For my face I am giving it the absolute best on the market, the hydrating serum from La Mer. The sun is hard on the skin, it dries it out, it damages it so SPF is essential but so is giving it a big glass of water afterwards. That’s exactly what this amazing serum is, one big glass of water. Enjoy my sunny friends!


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iPhone and headphones / Apple, Facial roller / Holistic House (shop here), Ginger leaf mask / Kiehls (coming soon), Sunglasses / Komono (shop here), Handcreme / Balanceme (shop here), Candida cleanse / Vitaviva (shop here), Skin Toner / Solaray (shop here), Book / (shop here)

Notebook / No brand (shop similar here), Pens / Bic, Soymilk / Naturli’, Sleep formula / Vitaviva (shop here), Vegan night and day cream / Idun (shop here and here), Eye mask / Magic stripes (shop here), Facial Roller / Holistic House (shop here), Maskimizer / Origins (shop here), Midnight recovery concentrate and cleanser / Kiehls (shop here and here)

Cashew nuts / Guru snack (shop here), Book / The art of war (shop here), Marble cutting board / Broste Copenhagen, Pencils / Viking 1940 (shop here), Bodyscrub / Frankbody (shop here), Vitamins / Vitaviva (shop here), Facemask / Tonymoly (shop here), Polaroids / Instax (shop here)

At passe på sig selv. Hvad betyder det? Hvad vil det egentlig sige? Selvfølgelig er det meget individuelt hvad der gør at man føler sig afslappet, veltilpas eller sund. Og hvad vil det sige at være sund? Sundhed er også en meget individuel ting tror jeg, og både mental og fysisk sundhed skal jo gerne gå hånd i hånd før man er “rigtig” sund, ikke? eller hvad? Det er svært at definere sundhed, ligesom det også er svært at sætte nogle definitive retningslinjer for det “at være sund”. Det eneste man kan gøre er jo egentlig at mærke efter, og måske lytte til nogen som man selv synes er “sunde”. Om man så lytter gennem magasin artikler, bøger, blogs eller tv udsendelser er jo så op til en selv. Jeg har ihvertfald valgt at skrive et lille indlæg om hvordan jeg holder mig “sund”. Mental sundhed for mig er gode film, musik, at tage sjove billeder af mine venner og dem jeg elsker og så er jeg helt tosset med at skrive. Jeg har skrevet tonsvis af sider i hånden igennem tiden, det giver mig ro i hovedet – nogengange hjælper det rigtig meget at “få det ud”. Hvad end “det” så er. Beauty og fysisk velvære er også en stor del af hvad får mig til at føle mig sund. Og her mener jeg beauty både udefra men bestemt også indefra. Jeg tager mange kosttilskud og gør en dyd ud af at sammensætte en kombination som er helt rigtig for mig. Jeg elsker at spise gode sunde snacks samt drikke plante baseret mælk. Jeg er på ingen måde fanatisk omkring min indtagelse af mad men der er små ting som jeg har skåret fra eller erstattet med det sundeste alternativ overhovedet. På den måde kan jeg godt “slacke” andre steder. Udenpågående beauty (jeg er ikke sikker på det er et ord, men det er det nu). Her elsker at jeg forkæle mig selv med ansigtsrulle rutiner, lækre masker, top hudpleje, bodyscrubs og forskellige olier. Velvære er selvfølgelig også at rejse, men det er en helt anden snak – den kan vi tage en anden dag. Til næste gang!

english: To take care of yourself. What does that mean? What does it actually mean? Of course it’s a very individual thing I think. Both mental and physical health kinda has to go hand in hand for there to be an overall feeling of “health” right? Or? It’s difficult to define health, just like it’s also difficult to ensemble some definite guidelines of what it is “to be healthy”. The only thing you can really do is feel your body and mind and maybe listen to people around you, who you think are “healthy”. Weather that listening is through articles, blogs, books or tv shows – well that’s up to you. With this in mind, I wanted to write a little post about how I stay healthy. Mental health for me is good movies, music, to take photos of my loved ones and writing. I have written countless pages by hand, it calms me – sometimes it helps just to get it out you know? Whatever “it” is. Beauty and physical comfort is also a big part of what makes me feel “healthy”. And of course here applies beauty on both the outside and the inside greatly. I take a lot of vitamins and it’s very important to me to combine them in a way that’s just right for me. I love eating good, healthy snacks and drink plant based “milk”. I am in no way a fanatic regarding my food but I have chosen to cut certain things out of my diet and replace them with the healthier option so that I can “slack” other places. Beauty that goes on the outside is another thing, I love my facerollers, masks, quality skincare, bodyscrubs and various oils. Mental health is of course also to travel, but that’s a whole other talk that we can do another day. So long!

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Read more about Saco hair Copenhagen here 

Oh hvor havde jeg set frem til dette længe! Jeg skulle faktisk have gjort det inden jul men længe leve dovenskaben. Jeg trængte desperat til at blive klippet. Mit pandehår var længere end min nabo’s bryster og egentlig så jeg lettere pjusket ud. Jeg får ret tit spørgsmål om mit hår, særligt på instagram så jeg tænkte jeg ville lave et lille post hvor jeg fortæller om hvor jeg bliver klippet, hvad der bliver gjort osv. Jeg bliver klippet af fantastiske Betty Christoffersen. Betty er medstifter af Saco Hair som ligger i Fiolstrædet og hun er den eneste jeg tør lade røre mit hår. I hvertfald med en saks i hånden (lidt hovedbunds nus siger jeg sjældent nej til). Udover pandehår klippede Betty spidser og gav mit meget trætte (over sol eksponeret LA hår) en gloss. En gloss er ikke noget farligt blot et ekstra plejende og beskyttende lag som giver håret lidt ekstra glans og glød. Man kan også vælge at komme lidt farve i hvis man vil prøve det – dog bliver både gloss og farve skyllet ud efter lidt tid. Jeg har krøller fra naturens side men disse på billedet er (desværre) lavet af Betty og blev vildt smukke! Jeg har sat et link ind øverst hvis nogen selv vil ind og blive klippet hos SACO så kan i booke tid igennem der. God fornøjelse!

english: Oh my had I been looking forward to this for a looong time! I should have done this before Christmas but CHEERS to laziness. I desperately needed a haircut. My bangs were longer than my neighbors breasts and to be honest I looked rather shagged (and not in a good way). I quite often get questions about my hair, especially on instagram so I thought I would do a little post explaining where I get it cut, what I get done and so on. My hair is cut by the amazing Betty Christoffersen. Betty is the co-founder of Saco hair located in Fiolstrædet in central Copenhagen. She is the only one I let touch my hair, with a scissor in her hand that is (I rarely pass on hair cuddles). Besides cutting my bangs, Betty also fixed my split ends and gave me a gloss. Betty recommended that we did a gloss because my overly sun exposed LA hair was very dull and needed a pick me up. A gloss is nothing permanent just a layer of care, shine and life to the hair. It’s also possible to add a little bit of color but it’s all washed out after a while. I have natural curls but these were made by Betty! Wish they were mine, I always love how she styles my hair. I have put in a link under the photo to SACO if you wanna check it out yourself. Enjoy!

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Read more about Sebastian Prof. here

Shop the 3 key products from this look
Hairspray (shop here), Mousse (shop here), Dry shampoo (shop here)

Som i måske har set på min instastory i forbindelse med Københavns modeuge var jeg så heldig at være backstage sammen med Sebastian Professional under Designers Remix showet. Her var der fokus på moderne 80’er hår med lækker sideskildning og uperfekte spidser. Looket blev skabt med en blanding af forskellige typer krøller for et mere “permanentet” look som man ofte havde i 80’erne. Key produkterne i looket bestod af hairspray, en god bouncy mousse og massere af dry shampoo. Dry shampoo er blandt andet også det som giver de “tørre spidser” som er en stor del af looket. Jeg var så heldig at få lov til at stille Sebastian Professional’s global artist, Nina Larsen, et par spørgsmål om looket og hende selv – dem kan i læse nedenfor på engelsk. Så kan alle være med. Rigtig god fornøjelse.

english: As you may have noticed on my instastory, I was so lucky, that during Copenhagen Fashionweek, I got to be backstage at the Designers Remix show with Sebastian Professional. Here, the 80’s had arrived. Chic midtparts and imperfect ends were key to this modern 80’s take on a curly hairstyle. The hair had different types of curls to resemble the look of a perm from the 80’s. Key products to create this look included hairspray, a bouncy mousse and dry shampoo. The dry shampoo, especially, is what creates the dryness and illusion of the “split ends” which is a big part of the look. I was so lucky that I got to ask Sebastian Professionals global artist, Nina Larsen, some questions about the look and herself. Read below. Enjoy!


How do you, as the key stylist, come up with new looks all the time?

As key stylist it’s very important to keep track of the new tendencies. You are either lucky to be able to create and develop looks yourself or you are not. Creativity is a gift. For me to be creative, it’s important for me to have the space and time to reflect. I get this during my many travels where I take the time to reflect but also to gather new inspiration. It’s also important for me to be surrounded by creative minds and create together.

What is your best hair trick?
A bun can be hard to style because we want it to look natural and organic. What’s important is the product you use during your blowdry. Add a bit of the Sebastian Texture Maker into damp hair and blow-dry with your head down to create that “fluff” in the hair. The Texture Maker creates a texture that makes the hair much easier to style. If you want a high bun, put your head between your legs and make a high ponytail. Use your hands. Then you twist the ponytail around it’s center. A good tip is to make it tighter than you want it at first, that way you know it’s secure. When the bun is finished you are ready to style it in the front and loosen it in the back. Finish your look with Sebastians Drynamic dryshampoo for that messy finish.

What are you personal favorite products from Sebastian Professional? 

My favorites right now are Sebastian Dark Oil and Sharper Fierce. Dark Oil smells amazing and can be used before blow dry but also in dry hair to add some shine. Dark Oil gives a nice soft feel to the hair while it nurtures and add’s shine. The Sebastian Sharper Fierce is a hairspray with strong hold. I love that it’s so dry in it’s consistency yet the hair still feels light.

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