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Ahh the new years resolutions, better late than never. I actually don’t know if people like to hear / care about what other peoples resolutions are but I find them quite inspirational. Some of them at least.. the whole “I wanna go to the gym more” well, that’s getting a bit old. Just do it. And add some Nike while you’re at it – believe me, a killer outfit helps. I have written down my 5 resolutions for 2019, which I hope is doable. Sometimes I’ve had 10, and to be honest, it’s a bit too much for me. I can’t have that many things hanging over my head. It stresses me out cause I am a quite dutiful person. Anyway – here we go:

This it not to others, but to myself. Of course being nice to other people is also a must but I think I was raised right to begin with and don’t really have a problem behaving in general so this one is just for me. I have always been quite fortunate in that way that I have never really been beating myself up, not in front of the mirror or inside my head, I guess it just never occurred to me when I was younger. But since I had my first anxiety attack this summer I haven’t quite been the same. I doubt myself quicker than I used to, I tell myself I am weak when I get overwhelmed and I’m starting to pick at myself when I look in the mirror. That has to stop now! I used to always be on my side, and god damn it, it sucks to be agains yourself! What is that even? If you think about it, all you really have is yourself, and you are hanging out with yourself all the time. So in 2019, I am putting a stop to how my mind has been wandering the last 6 months. I am not weak, I am healing. I will stop doubting myself, I can do ANYTHING. And I am NOT ugly, what a load of crap. So there. Be nicer to yourself, and that goes for me and for you too.

Uhh this is a biggie and I know that just the title of this resolution makes a lot of people roll their eyes. I just want to clarify, I am not a Vegan. I don’t think I ever will be, do I eat less meat than I used to? Yes. Do I love meat, god yes. But the older I get the more I realize that my body is mine to take care of, and nobody is gonna do it for me. I wish I could say I wanted to be more plant based because of the environment but that is not my main motivation, I have to say. Maybe next year one of my resolutions will have the title “planet earth” and then we can roll our eyes at that but for now, it’s purely selfish reasons. I want to he happier, healthier and stronger. I hate feeling tired, and I have a suspicion it’s because of what I put in my body. SO my goal this year is to have 3 days a week where I don’t eat any meat, and then have 2 days that are completely plant based, so no eggs, no dairy, no meat – nothing. And then have 2 days a week where I can eat a bit more “normal” – this is when I go out to eat and I really want that creamy, cheesy pasta or taco’s with pulled pork because YUM. I hope this will make me feel better than I do now and who knows, maybe I will be mostly plant based when the year is over.

As many of you know (and have commented on), my style has kinda changed in 2018. It was something that needed to happen because I used to be more focused on what I thought you guys wanted to see than what I actually wanted to wear. I suddenly realized how stupid the whole thing was a late night when I was standing in line at Netto in Copenhagen in my sweatpants, sneaks, gucci socks, oversized blazer with a hoodie underneath and my favorite cap – just wearing something I threw on because I was done shooting for the day. Suddenly the girl behind me taps on my shoulder and says to me “wow I love your outfit, do you have instagram?” – and I instantly thought “yes but you wouldn’t recognize me on there, cause I don’t look like this on IG” and then it dawned on me. Why don’t I? This is what I actually wear so what am I even doing? And since then I have tried to stay very true to my actual outfits, it’s hard sometimes because I often think that you guys won’t like what I wear but you engage with me more than ever so I am thankful for the epiphany.

This literally just popped in my head the other day, I don’t and never have, really invested in myself. It’s very weird to think about. I mean, I have no problem, at all, investing in a pair of shoes, nor a bag or a fantastic jacket. But me? My skin? My mind? My feet? My body? Nooo.. I don’t have that kind of money. That’s what I tell my self, and what a load of crap. In 2019, I will invest in myself – I will invest in facials, in getting one massage a month, in food supplements and mani’s and pedi’s. I’m sure I’ll find more stuff along the way but this is what I will start with. And it already scares me! I always feel so guilty spending money on something like a facial, it feels selfish – but I need to be more selfish like that. It’s my face, my body and my wellbeing and I want to throw some money at that topic. So there.

This might be a no brainer to a lot of people but the truth is that when you are born somewhere cold (like I am) going outside is not always the most tasty thing on the menu. Not for me anyways. And because I grew up in the north and because I am prone to be cold always, I have become kind of a “under the blanket” type of person. Well now that I spend so much time in LA I would like to take advantage of the weather. You might think that it’s easy, I mean just go outside right? But quite frankly I have to remind myself to do outside activities because I am so used to being an indoor person. So in 2019, I would like to enjoy eating outside more, taking walks in the warm evenings, sitting on my balcony while I work and also, I want to bird around more – not just take the car. Welcome to sunny California Maria!



Blazer / Missoni (shop here), Jeans / Supreme NY (shop here), T-shirt / Redone (shop here), Socks / In n out (shop here), Sneakers / Balenciaga (shop here), Bag / Boyy (shop here), Earrings / Gucci (shop here)

Picture / Pinterest

If I were to write one of these for September at home in Copenhagen, it might have looked a bit different. Warmer, I guess. Over here the sun is shining but that doesn’t mean we don’t layer up a little bit, the evenings get colder and I like to switch my sandals for sneakers. I am very much into the blazer, t-shirt and jeans look. It’s comfy, stylish and put together without being overly “dressed”. This blazer from Missoni is constantly on my mind since I found it! It’s a knitted blazer that will add just the right amount of slouch to any outfit – I love it! The supreme jeans is a constant craving of mine but I can never find them in my size – always sold out they are. Damn it. The new triple S colors are awesome, I might already have them in all white but I wouldn’t mind rocking these blue and purple detailed ones. All in all – I need more money! So much awesome stuff to wear, cruel and unfair fashion world.



Read more about Fuze Tea here

Glasses, White marble board, Yellow marble board, Pitcher / All from Broste Copenhagen (see catalogue here)

Jeg er vild med mig tid, mig tid er meget vigtigt. Ikke kun for mig, men også for mine elskede omkring mig. De får en meget bedre Maria i deres liv når jeg husker at tage mig min mig tid. Jeg forstod aldrig rigtig mig tid før hen. Det var først for et par år siden da jeg led under et mavesår som opstod grundet stress at jeg lærte at tage mig tid til mig selv. Jeg fik stress af at flytte til en ny by, af at arbejde min rumpe i laser på et nyt job, af at forsøge på at være en super kæreste og den perfekte datter mens jeg aktivt altid (stadig) forsøger at udleve alle mine (mange) drømme. Mit lille mavestår bor stadig i min mave og er altid klar på lige at give mig en lille brændende fornemmelse hvis jeg ikke har husket at tage mig min mig tid. Fashionweek kan godt være meget stressende. Heldigvis har jeg det nemt; jeg bliver kørt rundt i lækre biler, mine shows er planlagt og chaufføren ved altid hvor jeg skal hen. Folk er søde og det er altid sjovt. Men det er stadig nogle laaaange dage, meget mingelereren, mange billeder og mange outfits at holde styr på. Så ugen efter, har jeg helt sikkert brug for lidt mig tid. Min mig tid er mange ting; jeg elsker at se friends, lægge masker eller ligge på en parkbænk og kigge op i himlen mens jeg lytter til Elton John – det er alt sammen humør bestemt. Men noget jeg virkelig holder af er at være i køkkenet og lave ting og sager. En af mine yndlings smage fra min barndom er fersken is te, så da Fuze tea spurgte om jeg havde lyst til at smage deres nye is te var jeg helt på! Fuze tea er lavet på sort te ekstrakt med naturlig frugt smag og er super forfriskende. Jeg kan godt lide at bruge is te’en til at lave en lille “drink”. En del af mig tid er også at gøre noget lidt ekstra for sig selv, og en flot “drink” kan snildt være en del af det. Jeg kan godt lide at mixe hindbær og mynte sammen med fersken smagen og citron skiver med en stav rosmarin i lemon smagen. Disse små, ekstra ingredienser gør ikke kun drikken smuk men fremmer også smagsoplevelsen. God fornøjelse!

english: I am a big fan of me time, me time is important. Not just to me, it’s also important to the people around me. They get a much better Maria in their life if I take my me time. I never really understood me time until a few years ago where I suffered an ulcer from stress. Stress from living in a new city, working my ass of at my new job, trying to be a great girlfriend, the perfekt daughter and trying to live my (many) dreams, amongst other things. My little ulcer still lives in my stomach and it kindly gives me a little tug when I need to take some me time. Fashionweek can be a stressful time. Luckily I have it easy; I am driven around in awesome cars, my shows are all in my calendar and the driver knows where I am going. People are always nice and it’s a fun time. But it’s still looong days, lot’s of mingling, lot’s of pictures to take and sets of clothes to change into. So the week after, I need some me time. My me time can be many things; I love watching friends, doing a facemask or laying on a park bench looking into the sky and listen to Elton John – it all depends on the mood. Something I also love is to spend time in the kitchen, making stuff. One of my favorite flavors from my childhood is peach ice tea so when Fuze tea asked me to taste their new range of ice teas I was all in. Fuze tea is made with black tea extract and natural fruit flavors and makes for a great refreshment. I like to make a little “drink” with my ice tea. Apart of me time is also making me feel special and a nice looking beverage does that for me. I love to add raspberries and mint to the peach flavored tea and lemon with a stench of rosemary for the lemon flavored tea. These extra little ingredients not only makes a pretty drink but a full experience. Enjoy!


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Photos from Pinterest

Kun 3 dage til 1 december hvilket betyder at jeg begynder at jule nu! Lejligheden er pyntet op, jeg skal se alle julefilmene på Netflix (selvom jeg vil dog sige de har overraskende få) og så høre jeg kun Bing Crosby fra nu af indtil det nye år. Ej okay, måske en lille smule Abba sniger sig ind nytårs aften, det ville være underligt ikke at høre “Happy New Year” sangen, hedder den egentlig det? Du ved hvilken en jeg mener. December måned på bloggen kommer til at bestå af alt fra juleoutfits, guides til små glimtende genstande, en masse makeup og selvfølgelig nogle gode historier. Jeg glæder mig til at dele julen med jer her i mit lille univers!

english: Only 3 days to the calendar hits december 1st, which means I am starting up my Christmas spirit now! The apartment has been hit by a decorational storm, I will watch only Christmas movies on Netflix (eventhough I must say they have surprisingly few) and I will only listen to Bing Crosby from now on until the new year. Besides from the Abba “Happy New Year” song, that is a must on New Years. Is that even what its called? Either, you know which one I am referring to. December on the blog will be filled with holiday outfits, guides to many things that shine, tons of makeup and of course some cozy stories. I look forward to spending Christmas with you in my little universe!

X M  



Photos from Pinterest

Mit officielle inso board for denne måned, bruger i også Pinterest? Jeg elsker at sidde og søge på farver, former, mærker – alt muligt og samle det hele i mapper til inspiration. Om man vi kalde denne palette camel eller beige eller brun, det kan man jo diskutere men ihvertfald er min farvepalette lige nu bare helt tunet ind i det brun/beige univers. Jeg vil ha ALT i det. Jeg synes en neutral palette er så smuk, den kan sammensættes med så mange andre farver og så har den bare en klassisk lækkerhed over sig som ikke alle farver besidder. Jeg har samlet 4 favoritter nedenfor, mest som et ekempel på et par lækre beige items og selvfølgelig for at henvise jer til nogle lækre sider at shoppe på, nyd det!

english: Here is my official inspo board from this month, do you also use pinterest? I love to search up colors, shapes, brands – all kinds of things and then just gather it all up in folders for inspiration. If you choose to call this pallet camel, beige or brown is really up to you but whatever it is, it’s my go-to pallet for the moment. I am so into this whole beige/brown universe. I want it ALL! I believe that a neutral pallet is so beautiful because it plays well with other colors and it just has this classic yum to it that not all colors possess. I have gather 4 favorites for you beneath this pile of ramble, just as an example of a couple of great beige items and of course also to direct you in the way of some great webshops, enjoy! 


1. shop here, 2. shop here, 3. shop here, 4. shop here

X M 


Sneakers and phone cover / By Malene Birger (shop here and here), Bag / Hugo Boss (shop here), Bag / Adax (shop here), Eyeshadow / Gosh (shop here), Nailpolish / OPI (shop here)

Jeg synes det er dejligt at have en palette at arbejde rundt om når en ny sæson kommer. Sidste efterår var jeg helt fortabt i dyb flaske grøn, jeg købte alt i det! Solbriller, frakker, bukser, tasker – det hele. Denne sæson er jeg vild med denne bruge, beige, grå farvelade forvirring, heldigvis kan man også få alting i den! Det er som om grå og brun har fået en baby! Jeg er særligt vild med denne farve fordi den klæder virkelig mange, jeg vil næsten gå så langt som at sige alle. OG så er den tidsløs – fantastisk.

english: I love to have a pallet to work around when the seasons change, last fall I loved the deep bottle green. I got everything in it, sunglasses, coats, pants, bags – whatever! This season I am super into this grey beige brown situation that you see above. Luckily it comes in about everything this season and it’s beautiful! It’s like grey and brown had a baby, I love it! I am especially crazy about this color because it suits so many, dare I say all? AND it’s timeless – amazing. 

 X M 

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Suede espadrilles / Proenza Schouler (shop here), Gold sandals / Michael Kors at Sarenza (shop similar here), Suede sandals / Proenza Schouler (shop here), Yellow open espadrilles / Zalando Iconics (shop here), Python sandals / Adax (shop here)

Selvom det danske vejr ikke lige frem skriger sommer de her dage skal det ikke forhindre mig i at lave en blogpost til jer om mine absolut favorit sko her i sommer månederne. Ruskind og jordfarver har domineret min sko garderobe meget siden foråret, det kom sig af at jeg besluttede mig for at nu var det altså blevet lidt for nemt kun at gå i hvide sneakers. Let’s face it – hvide sneakers går til alt og det er ærlig talt lidt ensformigt, i hvertfald for mig. Så disse 5 par har været mine go-to sko siden maj og jeg elsker dem alle, de bringer hver især noget særligt til et outfit og jeg føler min garderobe har fået mere liv efter jeg aktivt er begyndt at tage mere stilling til mit fodtøj. De kan alle shoppes via link’sne oven for – jeg ved at de 2 par Proenza er på udsalg!

english: Eventhough the danish weather is not being very summery these days it doesn’t stop me from sharing my favorite summer footwear with you guys. Suede and earthy tones has dominated my shoe wardrobe since spring where I made the decision of not wearing white sneaks so much anymore. Let’s face it, it’s almost too easy and I wear them ALL the time – so I am trying something new. So here are my 5 go-to shoes at the moment, I absolutely love all of them and how they bring a different look to every outfit. You can shop them all via the links – I know the Proenza’s are on sale, just saying!  

X M 

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Sneak peak…

Som lovet kommer der snart en omgang beauty tutorials på min blog – endelig er billederne skudt nu skal jeg bare lige dimse, redigere og skrive en post til jer (eller to). Er det kun mig som synes at jeg lige pludselig får lidt asiatiske træk når jeg ingenting har på øjnene? Eller har i også det når i tager jeres makeup af? Jeg er sikker på det er noget som er kommet med årene, bliver ens øjne mere skæve når man bliver ældre?? Skræmmende tanke! Anyway jeg glæder mig meget til at vise jer mine beauty looks – stay tuned!

english: As promised there will soon be posted some beauty tutorials on my blog – finally, the photos have been taken and now I just have to edit and write a post for you. BTW is it only me who think that I suddenly get Asian features when I have naked eyes? Or do you feel the same when you take of your makeup? I’m sure it’s something that has come over the years, does one’s eyes become more almond shaped when you get older?? Scary thought! Anyway I am very excited to show you my beauty looks – stay tuned!

X M 








Presented in collaboration with Pandora 

Jeg har egentlig aldrig rigtig været en smykke pige, ihvertfald ikke sådan ind til benet, jeg har altid kunnet se det smukke i smykker og hvem elsker ikke alt der glitre? Og ja jeg drømmer om en forlovelses ring med en diamant på størrelse med en knyttet næve men udover det har det aldrig sagt mig det helt store. Min mors nok mest sagte ord udover “husk at vask dine hænder” har nok været “ingen øreringe i dag?”, nej mor ingen øreringe i dag. Men inden for de sidste par år føler jeg virkelig jeg har fundet mine fødder i den store smykke verden, det startede med at jeg fik en guldring af min mor (den store med perlen på billederne) det er en ring hun selv har fået smeltet og designet, og som jeg får børn, bliver gift osv. er det meningen der skal endnu en diamant i for hver begivenhed, ligesom der kom det da jeg blev student. Det satte min lyst til smukke smykker igang og ikke mindst smukke ringe. Jeg er særligt glad for ringe og gerne nogen som kan stakkes og bruges på forskellige måder og med mange forskellige ringe (value for money you know?). De fleste af dem jeg stakker til hverdag er fra Pandora, jeg er især glad for deres “kugle” ringe som jeg kalder dem, de har små bolde hele vejen rundt og kommer både i sølv og guld. Sammen med den anden Pandora sølv ring med guld detaljer og en brilliant (som jeg også engang fik af min mor) giver de et super fint og elegant sammenspil. Elegant er ret meget mit keyword når det kommer til mig og smykker, jeg er knap så eksperimenterende som jeg er med tøj – det skal være mere klassisk, mere stilrent og ikke mindst vanvittigt lækkert.

PSST… Pandora køre lige nu og frem til d. 18/10-15, 25% på alle deres ringe, se deres kæmpe udvalg her.

english: I’ve never really been a jewelry girl, at least not a serious one, I have always been able to see the beauty in jewelry and who does not love all that shimmer? And yes, I dream of a engagement ring with a diamond the size of a fist but other than that it has never really been my thing. My mother’s most asked question besides “remember to wash your hands” has probably been “no earrings today?”, No mother no earrings today. But in the last few years I feel I have really found my feet in the large jewelry world, it started the day I got a gold ring from my mother (the big one with the pearl) it’s a ring she has designed and when I have children, get married and so on. I’m supposed to add another diamond, just as my mom did the day I graduated. From there I really started loving jewelry and especially beautiful rings. I am particularly fond of rings and love the ones that can be stacked and used in different ways and with many different rings (value for money you know?). Most of them I stack are usually from Pandora, I love their “ball ring” as I call them, they have little balls all around and comes in both silver and gold. Along with the other Pandora silver ring with gold detail and a small brilliant (also one I got from my mother), together they make a super fine and elegant ensemble. Elegant is pretty much my keyword when it comes to me and jewelery, I’m not as experimental as I am with clothes – it should be more classic, more stylish and above all crazy delicious.

PSST … Pandora is right now and until the 18th of October offering 25% of on all their rings, see their huge selection here.



Anni Lu girl

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Anni Lu kan købes hos her

Hej piger! Jeg er blevet så glad for Anni Lu armbånd og får så mange fine kommentarer på Instagram når jeg ligger billeder op af dem så jeg tænkte jeg ville dele de forskellige måder jeg bruger dem på. Er i også vilde med dem? Jeg tænker måske at lave en giveaway, hvad siger i til det?


english: Hey girls, I’m so in love with the amazing Anni Lu bracelets and when I post pictures of them I always get a lot of comments so I thought I would share some of the stylings I do with them. Im thinking of maybe doing a giveaway with some of them, what do you think?


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