Shirt / Topshop, Sandals / Miu Miu (shop similar here)
Jewelry /
Necklace / Maria Black (shop here)
Earrings / Maria Black (shop here and here)
Location: Los Angeles
Photo by Mia /
Photos taken with Canon 5D
En af mine absolut yndlings aktiviteter? Tennis. Jeg elsker at spille tennis og i L.A er der tennis baner på hvert andet gade hjørne. Det er intet mindre end fantastisk! Her i vores lejligheds kompleks har vi en fælles bane (faktisk 2) – det var en af grundene til at Mia og jeg sagde ja med det samme, til at bo her. Ikke på grund af poolen, den aflukkede garage eller det faktum at vi bor i en 2 værelses med 2 badeværelser – nej nej det var pga tennis banen der gav det endelige flueben. Det er vidunderligt! Selvfølgelig kan jeg ikke spille i de her sandaler, men de matcher farven på banen helt perfekt og de er super cute så jeg gør det alligevel! Eller ihvertfald mens vi tager billeder. God fornøjelse!
english: One of my absolute favorite things to do? Tennis. I absolutely love to play tennis and in L.A there is a tennis court around every corner. It’s simply divine. At our condo we have a shared court, I must admit it was one of the reasons why Mia and I instantly jumped at this apartment. Not the pool, the gated garage or the 2 bed 2 bath – no the tennis court was the final YES! It’s pure bliss! Obviously I can’t play in these slippers, but they match the blue color of the court and they are darn cute so heck to that, I do it anyway! Or for the pictures at least. Enjoy!
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