Everything from Zalando except bag
Coat / The Editor (shop here), Knit / French Connection (sold out but shop similar here), Skirt / Topshop (shop here), Tights / Falke (shop here), Sneakers / Nike (shop here), Earrings / Topshop (shop here)
Location: Copenhagen
Photo by Laura / Couturekulten.dk Photos taken with Canon 5D
Denne December har jeg været særlig glad for at mixe tone i tone. Jeg elsker camel farvet outfits og nyder særligt at bruge dem i de kolde måneder. Jeg synes det lyser så fint op mellem alt det grå og sorte. Og så er jeg faktisk ret vild med at rende rundt og ligne en stor flødekaramel. Det er der ingen skam i. Tasken er Lauras og øreringene er fra Topshop. Jeg er vild med de forskellige former og den nærmest rav farvet plastisk de er lavet i. Fanme fint altså. God jul meget snart alle sammen!
english: This December I have been especially loving making tone in tone outfits. I love a good camel color and love to do a whole outfit in it. Especially in the colder months, it’s almost like being a beam of light in a sea of black and grey. And to be honest, I kinda enjoy walking around looking like a big piece of fudge. No shame in that. The bag is Laura’s and the earrings are from Topshop. I am loving this, almost amber’ish color plastic they are made in. So nice. Happy almost Christmas you guys!
Location: Copenhagen
Photo by Sebastian / Jesuissebastian.com Photos taken with Canon 5D mark II
Det nærmest obligatoriske, klassiske og evigt smukke julelook. Jeg bliver aldrig træt af at lave det her look. Det gør mig både glad at lave men også at have på. Det er det makeup look jeg føler mig smukkest i og jeg nyder at kysse alle dem jeg elsker og efterlade store, røde kyssemunde på dem. Jeg har lavet en step by step guide herunder på engelsk, til dig der ønsker at rocke en ægte klassiker her i julen. Den er lidt lang men man siger jo også at julen vare længe. God fornøjelse!
english: Here is the almost mandatory, classic and forever beautiful Christmas look. I never get tired of doing this look. It makes me happy both to do and to wear. It’s probably the look I feel the most beautiful wearing and I love kissing my loved ones and leaving big, red kissing lips all over them. I have made a step by step guide down below for those who wish to rock a true classic this Christmas. It’s a bit long but so is Christmas, or so i’ve heard. Enjoy!
Liquid highlighter / Marc Jacobs beauty (shop here), Primer / Yves Saint Laurent (shop here), Makeup sponge / Yves Saint Laurent (shop here), True Match foundation / L’oréal Paris (shop here), Concealer / Yves Saint Laurent (shop here)
Step 1 is definitely not to be messed with or slack on! The skin is the canvas that holds the look, any makeup look! I start with a glowing base by mixing Marc Jacobs’ dewy drops with the excellent YSL primer. When massaged into the skin, I apply my True Match foundation in shade 1.5 N. Perfect for my fair complexion. Then I finish with concealer under my eyes, on the bridge of my nose and in my cupids bow.
Step 2 is here to celebrate that glow and those rosy apple cheeks. For this look I use a very crisp highlighter in a nearly white shade. It’s almost pearly on the skin and therefore goes perfectly with the frosty weather outside. For a little warmth in the face, I use a blush stick from Sephora. It’s great to keep in your purse and can be used on both cheeks and lips!
Chubby stick / Clinique (shop here), Gel liner / L’oréal Paris (shop here), Liquid liner / Wet n’ Wild, Mascara / L’oréal Paris (shop here)
Step 3 is focused on the eyes. The eyes is just as much a key feature for this looks as the lips are. This winged liner and golden lid, signals serious Hollywood vibes. I start by using a beautiful gold toned chubby stick from Clinique. On top of that I use L’oréal Paris’ genius gel liner in the blackest of black. I like to draw my lines using a gel liner before I apply my liquid liner. It gives a nice base for the liquid liner to glide on top of. To finish the look I use my absolute favorite mascara, the volume million lashes in fatale! It’s the best and perfectly dramatic for this festive look.
Step 4 is important! It’s our red base for the lips. I always start with lipliner. I like this one from NYX. It’s creamy and comes in a lovely deep red. It’s a bit darker than the lipstick which gives a nice effect to the look. The lipstick is from the french luxury brand, Guerlain and is nothing short of amazing. The packaging is very beautiful and the color is intense. Stays on for hours. Apply it as you would any other lipstick, just be sure to “fill out” the lines from the lip liner.
Transluscent powder / L’oréal Paris (shop here), Lip paint / L’oréal Paris (shop here)
Step 5 is the most crucial step for this look. The setting and glossing of the Christmas lips. After you have applied a generous amount of lipstick you take your transluscent powder and shower your lips. It’s totally okay that it looks like you were caught eating powdered donuts. Let it sit for a while. Really let the powder sink into the lipstick. I use the true match powder from L’oréal Paris. It’s velvet soft and easy to work with which makes it perfect for this task. Dust off your lips using a large, soft powder brush. You will now have totally matte lips and they will be completely smudge proof. Now it’s time for the finishing touch, the lip paint. Apply a generous amount on top of your matte lips and smack your lips together along the way so you get the look you want!
Now all that’s left is to smile and have a
Nok har jeg lavet en guide til hvad du kan give kvinderne i dit liv, men mange af os har også mange dejlige mænd i vores liv og de skal også have lækre gaver. Jeg har f.eks. både en far, en bedstefar og ikke mindre end 3 brødre. Så lidt herre julegave indkøb er vist også på sin plads. Udover gucci loafers, Wegner stole og lækre musik gadgets – så husk også at mange mænd (særligt fædre) bliver også meget glade for god vin og andre ting de kan komme i maven. Så hvis du er super sent ude med julegave shopping er der altid den dyre afdeling i Kvickly! Så må man flotte sig lidt. Ellers er der som sagt heroven over lidt inspiration til hvad du kan give mændene i dit liv. God fornøjelse.
english: I may have already done a guide for giving gifts to the women in your life, but many of us also have a lot of great men in our lives who also need awesome gifts. I myself have no less than a dad, a grandfather and 3 brothers. So a little male Christmas inspiration is also suited! Besides classic gucci loafers, Wegner chairs and awesome music gadgets – remember that many men (especially dads) love a good bottle of wine and other things they can put in their stomachs. So if you have been super late with your Christmas shopping this year, head to the expensive part of the wine section in your supermarket and splurge. Otherwise, click the links above and find some inspiration on what to give the men in your life. Enjoy!
FROM THE TOP Body cleanser / Kiehl’s (shop here), Hair mask / Sephora (shop here), 24K gold mask / Too Cool For School (shop here), Highlighter / The perfect V (shop here), Body Oil / & Other stories (shop here), Honey face cream / Skinfood (shop here), Perfume / Yves Saint Laurent (shop here), Mascara / L’oréal Paris (shop here), Ginger body wash / Origins (shop here), Blush / L’oréal Paris (shop here), Hydration treatment / Moroccanoil (shop here), Gold mascara / Yves Saint Laurent beauty (shop here)
Ingen jul her på bloggen uden lidt lækre beauty favoritter. Da jeg begyndte min indsamling til dette års jule favorit post kunne jeg ret tidligt fornemme et gyldent mønster. Så jeg tog den derfra. Guld alle vegne! Måtte ud i byen og lede efter en orange baggrund og ta-da! Lige i tide, her er de så, mine favoritter. Jeg har valgt lidt mere et pampering tema denne gang. Krops pampering særligt. Gå i seng med din Sephora shea hårmaske på. Ta et bad om morgenen og brug Kiehl’s oile – til – skum cleanser. Den er vidunderlig. Tilfør lidt “holiday glam” ved at bruge L’oréal Paris’ paradise mascara og gør den ekstra særlig ved at bruge lidt guld mascara fra YSL beauty oven på. Lidt kinderødt, parfume, gylden body olie og så er du klar. Klar til at dans aftenen væk til alverdens fester. YUM! God fornøjelse.
english: No Christmas, here on the blog, without a bit of yummy beauty favorites. As I started to collect the products I wanted to show you this holiday season, I quickly noticed a slight gold pattern. And so I went from there. Gold everywhere! Popped out to buy an orange background and ta-da! Christmas faves right in time. I went for a more pampering orientated collection of favorites this year. Body pampering in particular. Go to sleep wearing the shea hairmask from Sephora and the honey mask from too cool for school, on your face. Shower in the morning and use the oil – to – foam body cleanser from Kiehl’s. It’s divine. For a little holiday glam apply the paradise mascara from L’oréal Paris but top it of with a dash of gold from the new gold mascara from YSL beauty. Blush, perfume and off you to. Perfectly glowing from that golden body oil and ready to party the night away. YUM! Enjoy!
Julen er tid til forkælelse, ikke forkølelse men forkælelse. Om det er forkælelse til dig selv eller til nogen du holder af så er denne måned, perfekt til netop dette. Jeg har samlet en lille bunke godter til jer derude som endnu ikke ved hvad i skal købe til damerne i jeres liv. Det er en blanding af ting jeg selv ønsker mig (hint hint blå Vetements støvler, please!) og ting som jeg ville give mine veninder, min mor eller andre seje kvinder i mit liv. Jeg synes b.la. at bogen “I fought the law” er en über cool gave at give en som elsker USA og en cashmere sovemaske eller en lækker pyjamas kan man sgu aldrig gå helt galt i byen med. Husk at indpakningen er næsten lige så vigtig som det der er inden i! God fornøjelse og happy shopping!
english: Christmas is the time to spoil and be spoiled. Whether you are spoiling yourself or someone you love, December is a perfect time to do it! I have collected a little gathering of awesome things for you out there who still doesn’t know what to give the lovely ladies in your life. It’s a mixture of things I am wishing for myself (wink wink blue Vetements boots, please!) and things I would gift my girlfriends, my mom or other awesome ladies in my life. I especially think that the book “I fought the law” is a super cool gift to someone who loves the US and a cashmere sleeping mask or a silk PJ is something everyone loves! Remember that the wrapping is almost as important as the gift inside. Enjoy and happy shopping!
Location: Los Angeles
Photo by Mia /Iammiamai.com Photos taken with Canon 5D
Jeg forsøger altid at vente så længe jeg kan med at åbne for juleriet. Mest fordi jeg synes at December er sådan en særlig måned og man behøver ikke allerede begynde at jule i oktober ligesom de nærmest gør her i USA. Det har knap nok været halloween før at man også lige kan købe en nisse eller to med hjem fra Walmart. Det er ret vildt – men nu er det heldigvis slut november hvilket betyder at jeg gerne må begynde at jule lidt på bloggen. Jeg har været så heldig at få lov at vise jer mit yndlings look fra Selected’s “party looks” som lige nu kan fås i butikkerne og online. Det er ikke nogen hemmelig at en af mine yndlings farver er rød og når julen kommer er det jo intet mindre end et perfekt match. Dette suit vil jeg bruge til alverdens julefrokoster og måske endda til juleaften. Det er komfortabelt, stilet og jeg er vild med det’s afslappet fit. Det passer perfekt i min verden fordi jeg spiser rigtig meget i julen og er ikke så glad for tøj der strammer! Smart ikke? Shop looket oven for og gå ikke glip af deres mange andre muligheder til festen her. God fornøjelse!
english: I always try to wait as long as I can before I open up my holiday spirit. I mean, December is such a special month but I think it’s such a shame how it almost starts in October now. Especially in the states, halloween isn’t even over before you start seeing Christmas decorations at Walmart. It’s pretty crazy. But now, luckily it’s end november which means I get to open the cookie jar just a little and let out some of that holiday love. I have been so lucky that today, I get to show you my favorite party outfit from Selected’s “party looks”. It’s available online and in stores now. It’s no secret that red is one of my favorite colors and since it’s Christmas time I can only say that this suit is a perfect fit. I will wear this at the holiday parties and maybe even Christmas eve. It’s perfect because it’s comfortable but stylish and I love the relaxed fit. I eat a lot of food during Christmas and I don’t need a tight ensemble. Clever right? Shop the look via the links above but don’t miss the other holiday options here. Enjoy!