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JWFORCE – what is that now? I know some of you have seen it on my instagram, so I wanted to do a more elaborate post about what the hell JWforce is. The idea of JW came to us about one year ago, it was after a couple of months where B had been hitting the gym hard and I was, quite frankly, laying on my couch, eating spaghetti and watching friends. At the same time I was working from home so I didn’t get out very much, which, to be fair, always suits me fine but B had other plans for me. So she started sending me a text everyday saying “hey we’re going to the gym, I’m picking you up at 4”.

Naturally I resisted a great deal at first because I don’t like going to the gym and more relevant I don’t like working out – so why would I go. Also I was fine with the fact that my gym membership was more of a accessory in my wallet than an actual thing I did. BUT wanting to be a good friend (only for B), I started going. Not every time, but almost. Soon it became a routine and after a month I would automatically start to just put on my workout clothes around 3.45 and I would look forward to getting picked up at my front door at 4. The exercises became easier and no matter how much I complained to B she still picked me up after work so suddenly it wasn’t so bad. After a while we started experimenting with different workout techniques, eliminating what didn’t work and developing things that did. Then in April, we went to Bali and we became completely obsessed with healthy life style in general. Food, mindfullness, exercise – all of it. Suddenly it all made sense, how it wasn’t just about getting to the gym and punishing the body but how it was about love. Love for the body with what you put in it, on it and how you take care of it.

So we decided to start an instagram page dedicated to our new discoveries, called JW FORCE. The J is the first letter of my surname (Jernov) and the W is the first letter of Birgitte’s surname (Wiborg) and of course the FORCE is because we love star wars. No I’m totally kidding. It’s cause that’s what we call our community, the force. The page will be about our eating habits, the different exercises we have learned that works, about our favorite beauty and the travels we do and so on and so on. We’re so excited to share our little universe with you and hope to see many more of you join!


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Kære Alle!

En lille update på hvad jeg har foretaget mig i weekenden, jeg var så heldig at blive inviteret af Adidas til et løb i Stockholm i forbindelse med lanceringen af deres nye super seje løbesko ultra boost. Det var vildt sjovt og selvom jeg troede jeg skulle dø på halvvejen endte jeg altså med at komme i mål med 11 km lagt bag mig og jeg er super stolt af mig selv og mit seje løbe team #boostcopenhagen / #TEAMELLE! Tusinde tak til Adidas og 9PR for en super fed tur og en dejlig weekend!

KNUS Maria

(dette indlæg er ikke sponsoreret)


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Jeg elsker morgenmad, og helst en super lækker en af slagsen! Før hen var jeg en af dem som ikke spiste morgenmad fordi jeg ikke havde lyst men for mig har det bare været et spørgsmål om tilvendelse og nu kan jeg ikke fungere uden! At få en ordentlig morgenmad gør mig mæt og holder mit energi niveau højt (og derfor også min forbrænding, hvilket er vigtigt). Jeg har tydeligt kunne se det på min figur og jeg har det bedre end når jeg ikke spiser det. Det her er min morgenmad i dag som jeg lige vil dele med jer, smoothie, blødkogte æg, ananas og granatæble kerner. Ha en dejlig dag! KNUS

//I LOVE breakfast, and it better be a good one! I used to be one of the “I don’t eat breakfast” kind of people. But now I can’t function without it – it was just a question of getting used to it. Getting a good breakfast keeps me full and my energy levels high (and therefore also my metabolism, which is just as important) I can clearly see it on the shape of my body and my overall figure when I eat breakfast from when I don’t. This is my breakfast this morning, pineapple, pomegranate seeds, a smoothie and soft boiled eggs. Hope you have a great day! HUGS




Juice It Up


 At putte noget lækkert i kroppen er noget af det bedste jeg ved og en af de bedste ting jeg nogensinde besluttede mig for at begynde på. Det har hjulpet mit hår, min hud og min fitness. Grøntsags Juice er noget af det bedste man kan drikke og det giver naturlig energi! Hvis du ikke selv allerede gør det så gør dig selv den tjeneste og søg lidt info om det, du vil ikke fortryde det. KNUS

//To put good things in my body is one of my biggest obsessions and its one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. It has helped my hair, my skin and my fitness. Vegetable juice is amazing for your body and just keeps your energy level high. If you dont already juice you should do yourself the favor and look into it, you wont regret it. HUGS 




Fitness Cupcakes

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Jeg har bagt ultra sunde cupcakes i dag, eller det ville de have været hvis jeg havde husket at putte bagepulver i min dej, i stedet blev det hårde muffins og ikke lækre bløde muffins som jeg gerne ville have haft (: . Men men, de smager super godt og de er super sunde!! Opskriften er nedenfor. KNUS

//Today I baked some super healthy cupcakes and they would have been fluffy if I had remembered to add baking powder, but no. Oh well they still taste good and they are really good for you! Recipe down below! HUGS




150 g mandel mel (blended mandler) / 150 g almond flower (blended almonds)

250 g havre mel (blended havregryn) / 250 g oat flower (blended oats)

3 revet gulerødder / 3 shredded carrots

Bland sammen / Mix together

Brug stavblender nu / Use handblender now

8 – 10 dadler uden sten / 8 – 10 dates without stones

1 stor spsk kokos olie / 1 large table spoon of cocunot oil

En 2 cm tyk skive ingefær / One 2 cm thick slice of ginger root

Blend godt / Blend well 

Bland det sammen med melet når det er blendet / Mix it with the flour when blended 

2 æg / 2 eggs

Rosiner efter behag / Raisens after liking

2 spsk bagepulver / 2 table spoons baking powder

Hakkede valnødder / Chopped Walnuts

Græskarkerner / Pumpkin seeds

Chia frø / Chia seeds

Bland det hele sammen / Mix it all together 

Held i muffin forme / Pour into muffin pan

Bag dem ved 200 grader i 8 – 10 min / Bake at 200 degrees 8 – 10 minuts

Fitness Pancakes

IMG_1213 ægogfrø pandekagerogild børnogbær IMG_1225

 Efter at have postet et billede af disse på instagram, tænkte jeg at jeg også ville dele opskriften med jer på bloggen. Dette er hvad jeg kalde sunde pandekager, det lyder helt underligt at sige men det passer, der er absolut intet usundt over de her, specielt ikke hvis du også steger i kokosolie. De er sindsygt nemme at lave, opskriften står nedenfor. Hvis du ikke ved hvad de her Chia frø er som jeg kommer i, så er det mit nyeste ynglings knas i køkkenet. Chiafrø er et 100 % naturligt produkt med stor koncentration af omega-3 og kostfibre. Jeg bruger dem i stort set alt. KNUS

//After posting this on instagram I thought it would be a good idea to post these amazeballs on the blog as well. I call them my healthy fitness pancakes and yes it sounds weird but the truth is that there is nothing in here that is unhealthy. Recipe down below. If you are not familiar with chiaseeds, which I put in just about anything at the moment, they are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants and minerals. HUGS

Opskrift / Recipe 

Portion: ca 10 små pandekager / just about 10 small pancakes

   2 bananer / 2 bananas

3 æg / 3 eggs

Chiafrø som det passer dig / Chiaseeds as it pleases you



New Nike Goodies

doris doris1

Det kan ikke længere være nogen hemmelighed (specielt ikke hvis vi ses på instagram) at jeg går meget op i at spise rigtigt og træne så meget som muligt. Jeg er derfor altid på udkig efter nye workout goodies og jeg faldt over disse to ting da jeg shoppede rundt i Ross, som er en stor “discount” butik herovre. Begge dele fik jeg til $12 dollars stykket, hvilket er godt 60 kr – jeg blev selvfølgelig elle vild da både shorts og BH sagtens kan ligge i 300 – 400 kr der hjemme. Fedt man! KNUS

//It cant possibly be a secret anymore (especially if we meet on instagram now and then) that eating right and fitness is a big part of me. I am therefore always on hunt for great workout bargains so when I found these two (above) I was stoked! Both shorts and bra I got for only $12! Considering the pieces would cost up to $50 – $60 dollars each at home I am in heaven! I found them at Ross, a big “discount” store here in the US and I bought them both right away, pretty sweet deal! HUGS