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3 Ways to wear




This shirt has quite wide ties which makes it perfect for a “flat lay” as I like to call it. Simply smooth down the ties in front of you (make sure it’s ironed). It can be worn over a dress, a sweater vest, a cardigan or on it’s own. I know you are never supposed to give up the best in the front, but this is definitely my favorite way to style this shirt. I think its different, classic and quite cool.



Inspo from the gentlemens department indeed. You know those men who doesn’t wear a tie but like a little cloth around their neck but under the shirt? It’s apparently called a neckerchief and that’s where this styling option comes from. Simply tuck the ties into the dress (or whatever you are styling with) and “puff it up” a bit to create some volume.



Not a hard one to figure out, I know, but it’s silly and unexpected. An oversized bowtie is the way to go if you are feeling brave and too cute for the business look. There’s not much too it, make a twist with the ties and make sure it’s same size on both sides. Kinda reminds me of the ones clowns wear, the cute clowns (not the scary ones!)

Location: Copenhagen
Photo by Sebastian /

Shirt / Britt Sisseck (shop here), Dress / 2nd day

“En skjorte med flere styling muligheder” er hvordan Britt Sisseck selv beskriver denne skjorte, og jeg kunne ikke være mere enig. Jeg håber i kunne lide min lille guide trods den var på engelsk. Det giver bare mere mening at gøre det på ét sprog hvor alle kan være med når det er flere tekster. Jeg følte ihvertfald jeg absolut måtte lave et post om denne skjorte da jeg selv fik den prøvet og så hvor mange måder den kunne styles på. Det kan sikkert gøres på mange, mange flere måder! Happy styling!

english: “a shirt with multiple styling options” is how Britt Sisseck describes this shirt herself and I couldn’t agree more. I hope you liked this little guide, I felt I absolutely had to make it once I found out how many ways this shirt could be styled and I am sure it can be worn even more ways! Have fun playing with your shirts!

X M 


Ribbet cobbgaagllage

3 Ways to spice your bag

Ofte er tasker ikke det billigste i verden, specielt ikke hvis du godt kan lide mærkevare tasker og hvis du er heldig nok til nogensinde at få en kommer du højst sandsynligt til at skulle bruge den i mange år. Mange gange er den taske man endelig vælger når man skal bruge mange penge på en taske, en som man ved man kan holde ud at se på, f.eks. en brun, en sort eller en grå – det er de færreste der køber en orange chanel taske med mindre man enten elsker orange eller har mange i forvejen. Derfor kan det nogengange blive nødvendigt at bruge lidt tid/penge på at forny sin taske – denne fornyelse kan f.eks. finde sted på samme måde som du ser på billederne ovenfor, jeg er glad for at putte ting på mine tasker, alt fra nøgleringe til tørklæder – andre metoder kan være at tilkøbe forskellige remme og på den måde tilføre nye længder / udtryk til sin taske eller blot finde nye måder at holde tasken på. Det er ihvertfald altid en god ide at genopfinde sin taske før man køber en ny.

english: Often, bags are not the cheapest thing in the world, especially if you like high end brand bags. If you are lucky enough to ever get your hands on one you most likely will have it for many years. The bag you finally choose when you decide to spend “that kind of” money, most likely will be one that you know you can stand to look at, for example a brown, black or gray – there are very few who buy an orange chanel bag unless they either love orange or already have a few chanels. Therefore, it may sometimes be necessary to spend some time / money to renew your bag – this renewal, for example could happen in the same way as you see in the pictures above, I love putting things on my bags, everything from keychains to scarves – other methods can be straps to explore different lengths on your bag or to simply find new ways to wear the bag. It is certainly always a good idea to reinvent your bag before you buy a new one.

X M 



3 Ways to wear Denim

Om du er en jeans pige eller ej så er denim blevet så meget mere end bare bukser, eller for nogen er denim bare skinny jeans. Jeg er selv vokset op med skinny jeans og har skulle opdage denim helt på ny. Det kommer i alle varianter, farver og former så man skal ikke tro det bare er bukser. Se mine råd nedenfor til dig som skal til at genopdage denim som jeg har skulle.

english: jeans girl or not, denim has become so much more than just a pair of trousers, for some denim is just skinny jeans. I myself have grown up wearing skinny jeans and have had to really discover the other sides of denim. It comes in all colors, shapes and sizes – take a look at my advise below if you are on the market to rediscover denim like I have done. 

1. Know the difference, as earlier stated, denim is just not denim and even if you are certain its not for you, that can only be because you haven’t given it a real chance. There are multiple washes and for sure also one for you.

2. Play, denim is know for its complimentary abilities – it’s great both with other materials but also with it’s own kind. Denim on denim is a winner – try it out and play around with the different shades blues denim holds.

3. Something new, as in the 90’s the different shapes to jeans is a huge part of who you are and what your style says about you. This does not mean that you should only commit to one style of jeans but acknowledge how good they can be for your shape and your wardrobe and give them a go. Also the whole embroidery trend is coming back, so if you like a little flower or something in your jeans – you are gonna love the spring denim of 2016.

Check out the gallery below for my favorite denim styles right now – enjoy!

X M 



3 Ways to wear Suede

I takt med at 70’er trenden bliver mere og mere dominerende i modebilledet bliver det ultimative 70’er materiale, ruskind, det også. Jeg er faktisk ikke særlig 70’er agtig i min stil, jeg er hverken til det ultra bohemede eller kassebukser men kan rigtig godt lide at plukke lidt fra de tendenser man ser rundt omkring, f.eks. er jeg glad for de brede jeans som er stramme i lårene og silkeskjorter med bindebånd og så er jeg rigtig glad for ruskind, i alle dets former og farver. Jeg fortsætter guiden på engelsk så alle kan følge med, se mere nedenfor:

english: As the 70’s trend is becoming more and more dominant in fashion so is the ultimate 70’s material, suede. I’m actually not very 70’s like myself, I am neither into the ultra bohemede nor the super boxy trousers but I really like to pick some of the trends you see around. For example, I am fond of the flare jeans that are tight around the thighs and silk shirts with bow ties and I am really loving suede, in all its shapes and colors. Here are my suggestions for you who want to try out suede but maybe finds a bit difficult to wear:

1. Start in the small, try a belt, a ankle boot or something else you feel comfortable with, nobody ever wants to feel ridiculous or like everybody else thinks you are trying to dress like in the movies (not that you should ever care what others think of your style if you love it!). Take baby steps if that makes you feel better.

2. Invest in a real suede pieces, don’t do the suedette unless you don’t wear leather or fur for personal reasons of course. For me it’s important that the pieces I am wearing is in great quality especially if it is in a material like suede where you can see intently weather it is “real” or not.

3. Choose the color that makes you happy, suede comes in many colors and you can choose exactly what you like. Maybe the classic orange 70’s suede is not for you but don’t give up just yet, there are many types and expressions within suede.

4. It doesn’t have to kill your budget, even if you are going for the real suede you don’t have to pull up the 1000’s from your wallet, because the 70’s trend is so big now all the high street brands does their own version of suede, take ASOS – they have a wide variety of suede pieces. That’s where the most of mine are from. Check out the gallery below to find your own suede piece.