Blazer / Won Hundred (shop here), Sweatshirt / Thrasher, Pants / Anne Vest, Earring / Marylou (shop here), Sunglasses / Komono (shop brand here), Bag / Balenciaga, Shoes / Topshop
Location: Copenhagen
Photo by Emil / streetstylebyemil.com
Hej med jer! Jeg håber at i har nydt jeres weekend og hele sidste uge. Jeg har haft Københavns modeuge at se til og været til en masse fede shows, events og mødt en masse dejlige mennesker. Jeg ville lige dele et lille outfit fra ugen der gik. God mandag derude!
english: Hello people! I hope you had a great weekend and that the week that went by was good. I attended Copenhagen fashionweek and saw tons of great shows, attended events and met wonderful people. I just wanted to share one of my outfits from the week! Happy monday!
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