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T-shirt / Cervelo, Skirt / Club Monaco (shop here), Belt / Vanessa Bruno, Bag / Sonia Rykiel (shop similar here), Sunglasses / Vogue (shop here), Shoes / Steve Madden

Location: Los Angeles
Photo by Laura / Couturekulten.dk
Photos taken with Canon 5D 

I sommers, var jeg hjemme hos mine forældre i Silkeborg, hvor jeg så min lillebror Marcus rende rundt i den her t-shirt. Jeg blev straks irriteret, “han er slet ikke gammel nok til at have nice tøj endnu, han er kun 14?!”. Jeg pegede på ham, “trøje af nu, jeg skal have den med hjem” – god som han er gav han mig den og sagde jeg godt måtte låne den. Han er fanme så sød. Men helt ærlig, hvad sker der for at han er begyndt at have sejt tøj? Havde jeg sejt tøj da jeg var 14 år? Det mindes jeg ikke. Selvfølgelig da jeg var 14 gik jeg mest bare i ridetøj og boede halvt i en stald så måske det ikke kan sammenlignes. Men alligevel?! Det hjælper slet heller ikke på det at han ringede til mig for nogle uger siden for at spørge om jeg ville købe noget supreme med hjem til ham, altså helt ærlig? JEG synes supreme er nice, mig på 22 (okay 24). What is happening?! Heldigvis er vi nogenlunde samme størrelse (indtil videre). Always look on the bright side of life right? Jeg synes bare han var så sød da han var 3 år gammel og synes at alt i verden var mor og en lego klods. Nu har han seje t-shirts som jeg stjæler og jeg er på supreme jagt på hans vegne. Hvad sker der med tiden? Kys sendes til sej lillebror fra storesøster, måske du får den her t-shirt igen, ingen ved det.

english: This summer, when I went home to see my parents in Silkeborg, I saw my littlebrother running around in this t-shirt. I was instantly annoyed, “he is not old enough to have awesome clothes yet, he is 14?!”. I pointed at him, “shirt, off, now – I am taking it home!” – good as he is he gave it to me and said that I was welcome to borrow it. Seriously – why does he suddenly have cool clothes? Did I wear cool clothes when I was 14? I don’t recall. To be fair, when I was 14 all I wore was riders outfits because I basically lived in the stables so maybe it can’t be compared. But still?! It really doesn’t help at all either, that he called me a couple of weeks ago asking if I could buy him some supreme and take home. Like really? I, his sister of 22 (okay 24), think supreme is cool, what is happening? Luckily we are about the same size (so far). Always look on the bright side of life right? I just think that he was so cute when he was 3 and the coolest things in the world was mom and lego. Now he is wearing cool t-shirts, that I steal, and he asks me for supreme. Seriously, where does the time go? Kisses sent to my cool little brother from his big sister. I am not sure you will get this t-shirt back, time will tell.


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